In this nascent new year I've made a couple of visits to Asian markets, which I've been meaning to do for years. Finding new snacks, expanding my ramen horizons, trying some of the tastiest drinks I've ever had. Fresh, handmade onigiri, buying Japanese curry starters. Snacks and candies tastier than anything I could find in a traditional western grocery store. It's honestly quite heavenly.
2025 is also the year I want to catch up on reading all the Junji Ito manga I've bought but never cracked open. I have at least three or four hard cover volumes of collected stories as well as his version of Frankenstein. In addition I intend to finally watch all the anime series that I never got around to. I just finished One Punch Man and am fast approaching the end of HunterXHunter. There are easily a dozen series that I've been meaning to watch or finish but never got around to and intend to rectify that.
This isn't part of a resolution or anything like that but an overdue reprioritization of my own interests. For decades, through the course of an unhealthy, unhappy relationship my desires and interests were pushed further and further down the list of importance. Babe has been gently nudging me in this direction for some time and I've been slow to embrace it. But that's all changing slowly but surely.